Photo by [Nicki Eliza Schinow]( on [Unsplash](

Having vs Being

(Emphases mine) In holy things may be unholy greed. Thou giv’st a glimpse of many a lovely thing Not to be stored for use in any mind, But only for the present spiritual need. The holiest bread, if hoarded, soon will breed The mammon-moth, the having pride…. – George MacDonald, pg. 158 Had he had more of the wisdom of the serpent…he would perhaps have known that to try too hard to make people good is one way to make them worse; that the only way to make them good is to be good–remembering well the beam and the mote; that the time for speaking comes rarely, the time for being never departs. ...

December 29, 2023
Photo by [Martin Sanchez]( on [Unsplash](

Water: Stagnant vs Living

When you’re a newcomer to a group or a hobby, perhaps one of the first things you start to think of is, “What are the rules? What’s the stuff that I need to avoid saying or doing?” These aren’t bad questions in themeselves as it shows a sense of wanting to be part of the in-group and conforming to the rules and standards set by the group; you want to be an asset to the team, not a liability. ...

December 28, 2023